Er...sorry, but that makes no sense to me. Only shoot arrows that are in the case? Not arrows that are equipped? Anyway it is optional, so please do not use it if you don't like it. No reason to suffer thur it when it is an optional feature, and I make some like this optional so I do not have to waste a lot of time on them (as long as it is realistic and they are not buggy) so I can go on to other more important things. However you may be right about the sneak situation. My original idea was that this would not be a quite operation and thus not something you could stay hidden while doing. But I am reconsidering that. I may add a grab button trigger to this that will work as well as the crouch action trigger.
Being a non English speaker i guess I'm a bit
muddy in my sentences.
What I meant was: to get around our
big magical bottomless pocket called inventory you turned it into
the quiver, and made a case to stash the extra arrows.
I just thought it would have been more comfortable to let our
big magical bottomless pocket called inventory as it is and not make a case but a quiver instead. So we would have to put arrows in the quiver to have access to ammunitions during the fights. Equipped arrows would be arrows in the quiver not in the inventory. But I understand it would certainly have been way more complicated (if possible) to do.
And I assure you it wasn't a negative criticism
in any way.
The endurance drop is very slight, so depending on other factors such as your strength and what your fatigue regeneration game setting is set to you may not see it unless you do other things such as run or jump. I have often considered forcing the fatigue regeneration to my standard to avoid this kind of incompatibly but I am worried that would interfere too much with Melee combat mods that in my opinion should be the only mod to affect combat related fatigue regeneration. Fatigue is to combat what Magicka is to spell casting. You would not want a magic mod to force set your fatigue regeneration game setting just so they could fine tweak their fatigue consumption for casting a spell now would you? However I am not satisfied with how it is now. That is why I was thinking of allowing the player to set the consumption rate in the INI file. But that will sometimes mean you must change it each time your PC adds or removes bonus for fatigue regeneration. So I am not sure yet what to do about this except keep it as it is. Which is that sometimes (depending on your game) it will not show in the game unless you are doing other fatigue draining activities.
One Idea I discarded, but would go ahead and use if players prefer it is to use a timer, each say 10 seconds a heavy hit is applied to the fatigue. This will mean sudden jumps in the fatigue drain rather than a nice smooth drain however.
No of course not, but I was surprised the endurance cost was so low. In a unmodded game with a fresh character in the 30s STR and low skills I could run with the string pulled all day long while in the vanilla my endurance drain while pulling is noticeable. And the other aspects of Combat Archery are so...
convincing, I was just surprised, that's all. But as you said with the ini everything is fine.
Otherwise i love your timer idea. It would be closer to a Thief:Dark Project or M&B, for the best.

And as I said I wasn't trying to be negative in any way, as Combat Archery is definitively an outstanding mod.