I haven't had any trouble picking locks that aren't owned. Don't know how you're getting that to happen.
Some objects for settlements can be unlocked by finding magazines. For example, I found a magazine that allowed me to build picket fences like in Sanctuary Hills. Though I suppose there will always be limits and not everything can be used in settlement building.
Yeah, I suspected as much coming from a perk that involves shooting a wall.
But here are mine:
1. Why isn't there an option to scrap junk from within the workshop/crafting table menus? I know the materials still count so long as there is junk in the workshop, but I hear you actually lose some materials if they're used for crafting but not scrapped. Seems like such a simple thing to implement over the annoying dropping everything you have.
2. Why replace the clear specification of how close you are to finding a password when hacking with "likeliness"? It doesn't make it any harder, just absolutely vague and unhelpful. I fine myself seeing "likeliness: 1" or "likeliness 2" and I just think to myself "Okay? So...I guess I'm getting somewhere?". Makes hacking more of a guessing game rather than actually determining what the word is and putting pieces together.
3. I hate constantly seeing an object turn red indicating I can't place an object when settlement building, when it looks [censored] clear as day that I can place it there. And then it will randomly turn green in a place that looks like you can't even place it there. Those lovely planted melons that prefer floating in the air rather than staying attached to the ground. Really should have allowed the option for objects to clip into each other though. Would make things much easier and look much better.