Honestly, I never thought it was purely consoles that held back Oblivion from being better than what it was. I felt it was the setting which, for all I know, could have been chosen for the fact that it was simplified but I think more that it was the huge jump into the next-gen before the next-gen existed. It was make or break for BGS and they needed to make something big. Oblivion, I feel, was supposed to be the last TES game if things turned out badly for them regarding it. There was a lot to get done, and they new things had to be scaled down for a more contemporary fantasy.
My take for what happened with Oblivion was that Bethesda wanted the game to appeal to a broader base, and they went a bit too far . . . most noticeably on the handholding end. (Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 2 did pretty much the same thing.)
So, where does this leave Skyrim? I feel that they are not at all doing these changes for consoles' sake. I think it's been proven, mostly in isolated cases, that console users will gladly play a complex RPG so long as it can be put down and picked back up with no difficulty. What I think BGS is trying to do is that they're trying to make gigantic leaps into the future of RPGs by simplifying the stats. When we reach the stage of the graphical peak, complete connectability, and the full understanding of game design there will be thing about games that need to change. Mainly, they will need to be based completely on immersion.
My biggest complaint about where Skyrim seems to be heading, is the removal of the ability to create a truly unique character in the beginning of the game . . . with inherent strengths and weaknesses (by removing Birthsigns, Classes, and most of the Attributes); and replacing this with Faster Leveling and Perks that increase your skills.
And I think this could turn out to be another major mistake (worse than Oblivion's Level Scaling).
Some gamers might enjoy the sort of instant gratification that comes with leveling up every 15 minutes, and maxing out their skills . . . but my instincts are that this will rub the long time TES fans the wrong way.
I'm hoping that mods will be able to fix this, as I fear that this method is going to ruin my own game because it is so totally opposite of what I want in a RPG.