» Thu May 19, 2011 12:27 am
When you make an omnicient compass give the player the exact location of an amulet placed deep within the depths of a dungeon no one has visited in hundreds of years, based on some npc saying "here let me mark it on your map, its somewhere in there" your dumbing down and streamlining
When you lump all bladed weapons into one skill even though Short swords, Longswords, claymores, Tanto's, daggers, fatherless swords, broadswords, all handle differently.....and then omit half that list of variety to just 3 types of swords blades , your dumbing down and streamlining the game. (skyrimas one handers and every one handed weapon under that with thier own tree, this does not apply)
when you reduce the variety of melee and throable weapons to 3 types of blades and axes and bows based on the notion that despite a new game, new tech, new time the bugs of old weapons will still be present and that they are "superflous", your dumbing down and streamlining the game, people forget that NPC'S use weapons too...
when you remove attributes based on the rational that all they were used for was to raise health, fatigue and magicka, instead of changing them so that they are better than previous games and actually -matter-. your dumbing down and streamlining the game
When you remove birthsigns because people didnt read the ***** description about each Birthsign and then cried that they are vulnerable to Fire BECAUSE ITS A WEAKNESS, your dumbing down, and streamlining....
when you remove Atheltics and Acrobatics and not say an alternative, or instead CHANGE HOW THEY WORK & WHAT THEY DO, based on the rational "who makes a character that runs" you are streamlining
So much for Go anywhere and Do anything right? I mean people who make characters that run are being discriminated against now......and people who liked to use spears and cross bows can't do as they wish because their preferred type of weapons are "superflous"
one may not share this viewpoint and thats fine and dandy adding features do not make up for losing features......thats like saying your Ferrari's engine was taken out but its ok! we gave the car a fresh pine sent, auto lock breaking, an awesome stereo system and it starts on its own the moment you sit inside <3 the hell Dual wielding was added in late, and based on Todds statements about it, it seems it wasnt a direct planned feature but a jump since people have requested this feature in the past, so that and perks are hardly a reason to why Attributes are out because attributes were in game early in developement, along with Dragons and a combat system.
Don't give me garbage about they can't or shouldnt do anything about it because features that were not in game months ago are now,
Ridable horses
Killing -everyone- in Skyrim
Combining spells
Dragon shouts at one point were mix and matchable
its their freaking game they can do anything with it, there is nothing they -can't- do within reason..so I don't want to hear they can't...
of course people are going to talk up when things are getting removed, especially for poor reasons, you have to be some kind of insane to say OMG THEY ADDED DRAGON SHOUTS AND LORE? NO SKYRIM IS RUINED, in this case nothing added in Skyrim is detracting from it, that doesn't add up, how can in Skyrims case from what we know so far adding features be a bad thing? where as removing stuff, people like certain features they are going to call up about it.....
Will skyrim be a lesser game because of removed features? unlikely did oblivion svck because there were no Crossbows and spears? no it did fine without them, its not whats best for the game, its for the players, OPTIONS, people go on and on about how this should be option and that, but the moment you bring up removed features that Kumbya feeling goes out the window, like Damn a guy gets trampled because he thinks features should have been improved and changed instead of cut out :bonk: