[RELz] Dungeon & Diamond

Post » Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:46 am


The Elder Scrolls III
Dungeon & Diamond

by Arcimaestro Antares



In Sadrith Mora, behind the Dirty's Muriel Corner Club, there is a trapdoor to a new dungeon.
New creatures, traps, and a unique diamond, await you.
It was designed for a master thief character (level 20+), that should retrieve the diamond as proof he/she deserved the title, but then only a few ones could play the mod. So, the dungeon can be accessed by anyone.
If you levitate in the dungeon, you'll miss most of the traps (and the fun).

This mod requires TRIBUNAL


- The Flame thrower effect (file name "DQ_FlameThrower.nif"), is made using elements from the mod "Particle Arrow Replacer", by Ghostnull.
- thanks to Rattfink333, for his help ti complete the mod.

All the models, creatures and animations, have been made by me using Blender and Nifskope. They have been made from scratch, or from original models made by Bethesa for Morrowind.
The texture included, are original Morrowind textures, modified by me.

Feel free to use this stuff in your mods.



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Lauren Dale
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