» Sat May 28, 2011 8:03 pm
You know, normally I am all for options. And as long as a thing is optional, it doesn't ruin my own game experience. If this were in, I'd never have to use it, so it wouldn't ruin MY experience. TECHNICALLY. But, I do think there comes a point when you change a game enough - even if the changes are optional - that it just doesn't feel like the kind of game it once was anymore.
For example... while we're at it, I think we should include the ability to click on any area of the world map, even in complete wilderness, and teleport there directly. I think we should be able to teleport to the END of the dungeon from the START, too. Lets also include the ability to climb to the top of any mountain we're looking at instantly by pressing the climb mountain button. Also, shooting arrows correctly is hard. There should be a way to lock on to enemies so that you have no or very little chance of missing. I also propose we incorporate a way to kill enemies with the press of a button if they're too challenging. Also, gee having to travel through the world and fight monster after monster sure gets boring. I'd like to see an ability to simulate combat so that we just earn XP on the fly.
??? You get the idea.
Now having a SPELL that does this, that's another story. As long as it actually has some basis in the game world.