I can never understand why there is so much dislike for mob scaling . It keeps the world interesting. If monsters did not scale it will be like walking through a lowbie area in world of warcraft one shotting every monster around you.That get very boring fast!. The game environment needs to dynamic and always changing to stay fresh and interesting to the player.
No, because there is nothing
interesting about a world that is exactly the same everywhere.
See a dungeon in Oblivion? It would have exactly the same type of loot as any other dungeon in the area. You have no reason to go anywhere at all.
You want fresh and interesting? You put in dangerous areas and easy areas,
all the time. The world doesn't need to CHANGE, it just need to be varied. You don't need to spawn a vampire lord in a dungeon at character level 35, if that vampire lord was already there no matter your level.
You want a challenge? Have secret out-of-the-way dungeons that spawn powerful enemies, that are always present from the start of the game. It makes no sense at all for these powerful monsters to all of a sudden appear next to a well-travelled road with normal wildlife vanishing.