1. Roll ability scores. Usually this means 4 six sided dice and then take the 3 highest. Repeat this five more times, and put the numbers where you want them. Ie if you roll 16 put it in one of the six stats. The stats modifier chart lists what each score for your stat gives to... whatever. So 18 strength is +4 on damage as an example. It would also be +4 to anything else. So climbing would be that skill and strength ect. Same for the other skills, all of them use the same chart.
Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12
2. Pick race. I'll go human this gives 1 free feat, 4 extra skill points at level 1, and 1 additional skill point each level up.
3. Choose Class, look at the "class features" for level one of said class. Add them to sheet. I'll use the Barbarian as an example.
4. Pick 1 free starting feat from the list of feats, and one more for being human Examples are quick draw and power attack though there are many.
5. Pick skills (hardest part really). Look up the skills your class gets. Starting skill points are 4+ Intelligence modifier x 4 for first level. Our low intelligence gives us -1, but being a human adds +4 so it equalizes out.
The max skill points you can add to a skill at any one time is your level +3, so four for first. I'll spend two skill points so my Barbarian isn't an idiot and can read/write. Then spread it out among some skills.
4 in climb
4 Intimidate
4 Survival
2 Listen
6. Get starting gold, and then buy gear from wherever. Starting gold is 3d4x10gp. What the hell that means. Roll 3 four sided dice, and then multiply by 10. There's your starting gold pieces.
7. Optional, make a back story. Who the hell is your Barbarian. Or do you just want to kick in the door.
Keep in mind all of this can vary from game master to game master.
12 minutes to make a relatively simple character. Though in reality it might take longer depending on how long you debate what to take.