From a preview i heard the dungeons enemys will have the level you have while you enter a dungeon.
So for example if i move into every dungeon at start where i have level 1, every creature in the dungeons will have level 1?
Oh then i come back as level 5 or more and beat everyone with a blink?
Isn't that a bit "bad considered"?
I hope im wrong.
Not completely right, but not completely wrong either.
It works like this:
Skyrim uses level scaling akin to Fallout. This means there are high level regions from the start.
Dungeons will use a level range, and lock themselves to your level the moment you enter them.
This means that if you enter a lvl 5-10 dungeon at level 1, it will lock to level 5.
If you enter it at level 15, it will lock to level 10.
I believe that this system will work a lot better than Oblivion's, because of the possibility of encountering enemies far higher (or lower) than your level.
I kinda like it.