Gee, I'd like things to look darker.
Gee, I'd like things to look brighter.
Oh, hey there, brightness slider!
I just get annoyed by the "light adjusting" effect that's supposed to imitate a person's vision from going to a dark room to the brightly lit outside and vice versa. It's the one effect I'd happily do without, period.
I actually like that. Yeah, it's annoying and a hindrance, but frankly, if I were fighting a dragon at night and the thing flashed a gout of flame in my night-adjusted eyes, I'd be useless for ten minutes or more. Just be thankful it takes about a second for your "eyes" in the game to adjust back to the night, rather than the half an hour it takes in real life. Now, what would be
really nice would be if there were some sort of flash spell you could use to screw up your enemies' night vision. Close your eyes, flash theirs, then sneak. Make it easier to get away if you're overwhelmed, or move around and sneak-stab one of them.