Lol, no. Thats not what true need is.
Lol, no. Thats not what true need is.
Yea, my common sense saying an almost pacifist following wouldn't have death matches for leadership.
New thread:
I don't think getting a leader is true need considering that Paarthurnax is their leader.
I know you dont have a source saying that they have death matches, soooo.
You're always harping on about a source. WHERE'S YOURS?
Neither do you. Nothing about the Greybeards indicates they have death matches. You even said we don't know much about the Greybeards.
They have a Speaker, of sorts. But that role would probably fall to the ones who doesn't cause the monastery to shake whenever they speak.
This. I could say that the only way to become a General in the Legion is to eat a sweet roll filled with goblin toenails yet that doesn't make it true.
Making a theory and acting like your theory is fact are two different things.
A theory based on squat. You have no ground to stand on.
Lol this has become ridiculously derailed. Seriously Colonel and everybody else stop giving Cider! attention. Back on-topic: what is the likely stance of a Dunmer (from Morrowind of course) and the CW.
As a people: Neutral
As individuals: Whatever the user wants. Could be a Nordborn Dunmer(like Symmacus) whose father was taken by the Thalmor and thus he seeks to liberate his fathers homeland in his memory for all we know.
First, whatever you choose will have absolutely no impact on the official canon result.
Second, if I were to play a Dunmer, then I would look at that civil war from the perspective of what was in Morrowind's best interest. You have yourself mentioned an issue you have with the Stormcloaks, that is one consideration. Another, yes there is some bad feeling toward the Empire. The Empire is a known commodity whereas a Stormcloak run Skyrim is an unknown commodity. You can choose between "the devil you know" and "the devil you don't know."
Another point, the Thalmor do not look kindly on the Dunmer world view. What provides a better buffer for Morrowind, Skyrim in the Empire or Skyrim out of the Empire?
Make your choice, play your game and enjoy. There is no long term consequence to the official canon result whatever you do.
Welcome to the Skyrim forums. Where threads are constantly derailed by Civil War arguments.
But like I said before, I believe most Dunmer wouldn't care for either side, considering for one thing many Dunmer in Morrowind aren't fond of outlanders (their in Skyrim now, but we all know how Dunmer are). A lot of Dunmer in Morrowind resent the Empire, although others such as a previous Great House, House Hlaalu, were more acceptent of the Empire. Even then, I am sure there were some individual Dunmer who were acceptant of them as well. Overall, they're neutral and I can say the majority of them really care on the matter, but are more focused on their own homeland and those treacherous Argonians! Then after that, the Dunmer can advance on the other provinces and rule Tamriel!
To add to this:
Keep in mind that a strong human Empire has in 3 out of 4 times either invaded or assimilated Morrowind into it in some way. Under the Nords in the Skyrim Conquests. Reman's Dynasty had a 80 year war with them and the Septim Empire won them in by treaty, under the threat of an invasion.
Back to the topic at hand - I believe the plan to assassinate both leaders is a good start.
With regards to the Thalmor, an Independent Skyrim would provide a better buffer since the Thalmor could launch operations into Morrowind from their embassy and Northwatch keep in an Imperial Skyrim. In an Independent Skyrim, the Thalmor would have a much more difficult time considering the Dominion territories are at the opposite end of where Morrowind is. Also, Imperial Legates in Riften say that Riften provides a good launching point into Morrowind.
The Thalmor would take Cyrodiil first, then roll up the rest of the provinces from there. Skyrim won't be acting as a buffer to anything.
I'm talking about the Thalmor getting into Morrowind. Dragonborn already showed that the Thalmor are launching operations into Morrowind to get things like Stahlrim. The Thalmor have Northwatch Keep and the Embassy in an Imperial Skyrim which provides a safe launching point into Morrowind which is relatively close-by. However, these points are lost if the Stormcloaks win which means the Thalmor can't get agents into Morrowind. The Thalmor don't need an army to do things in Morrowind.
In that kind of scenario, if Skyrim was part of the Empire, Imperial troops could fall back to Skyrim to make their stand against the Aldmeri Dominion. That would then maintain a buffer to Morrowind (especially if High Rock also sent forces) If, on the other hand, Skyrim was independent and Cyrodiil fell, then yes the Thalmor (Aldmeri Dominion) would then continue on and then the buffer would be gone.