They would remain neutral as many said in this thread already.
They would remain neutral as many said in this thread already.
Yep. I did that recently - should mention my Dunmer joined the Stormcloaks first before bailing on them. Playing a double-crossing total bastard was a blast. Nice guys just don't have any fun.
Why am I not surprised that an Imperial supporter has no real loyalty.
Yes since Skyrim is my Argonian's new home. Plus Ulfric showed he was willing to die for his soldiers so why shouldn't I be willing to die for him?
It isn't pretty but it is necessary. Even Brunwulf admits the Argonians need to be kept out of the city. I also don't like having Thalmor kidnap and execute innocent civilians. Imperials don't get to keep the moral high ground.
According to the Dunmer on Solstheim, they dislike the Empire and rather join the Stormcloaks.
Both the Dunmer and Stormcloaks hate the Empire. When the choice is between an Empire they hate and Stormcloaks, it's obvious they would rather side with the Stormcloaks than the Empire.
Ulfric surrendered himself to the Imperials to try and spare his men from dying against a more numerous foe. Plus Brunwulf even says that Ulfric is loyal to his men so he isn't uncaring to his soldiers.
Still doesn't change the fact that he saw it and wanted to keep his soldiers alive rather than make them die in a hopeless fight. You also forget that if the Imperials win, Ulfric decides to go down fighting rather than surrendering even though it is an even more hopeless situation for him. Considering his attitude during an even bigger hopeless moment, that just supports the theory that he surrendered to spare his troops.
Edit: Also, so you are criticizing Ulfric for doing something Tullius does if the Stormcloaks win.
Think Ralof would have mentioned that when he said they were outnumbered 5 to 1.
Actually, I believe Ralof says Ulfric was the one who surrendered. Considering he was there and he doesn't say Ulfric was knocked out before, Ulfric did surrender to spare his men.
The Imperials constantly boast they are going to kill Ulfric if they get him. Considering Ulfric goes down fighting in a hopeless situation if the Imperials take Windhelm, what other reason would he have for surrendering there?
The Dunmer hate the Imperials, Nords, Argonians, anybody who associates with the thalmor, and I wouldn't be surprised if they hate everyone else.
My answer choose which side you think will benefit Morrowind.
Ulfric had no way of knowing the Imperials were going to execute his soldiers anyway. He most likely believed that his soldiers would be spared if he surrendered.