I think Ulfric surrendered thinking his men wouldn't be killed, maybe just arrested.
I base this off of Ralof's comment "Didn't want us to die for nothing I guess".
So it's likely he did surrender for them, but shouldn't he have known traitors were executed? Maybe its usually only the leader, and the Empire switched it up?
It's also possible he did so to be a martyr so he could be killed in front of a crowd, feeding the cause for Galmar to continue in his absence.
Why else would he surrender then? He only surrendered since he knew his soldiers would be massacared if he fought, so him surrendering would at least hopefully give his soldiers a chance to live. Alduin's attack at least allowed a chance for them to escape.
I'm sure Tullius disapproves, but then again I wouldn't expect loyalty from an Imperial
And how does killing Outlanders interfere with this plan?
Yet his soldiers were also sent the chopping block,
Normally Ulfric would have gone down fighting like he does if the Imperials win but since he actually cares about his soldiers he was willing to take a chance and hope his soldiers could live if he surrendered.
The old nordic culture says die valiantly. That includes execution without fear.
Ulfric had no way of knowing that. If he fought, he and his men would have died anyway. At least if he surrendered there was a chance that his soldiers could live. A small chance is better than no chance.
Ha Definitely House Dres, but the Redoran won't do it.
True, but they'd still want to cull the herd.
I dare you to start a topic titled this in the Morrowind General Discussion.
And then the Argonians come and massacre everyone again.
Still didn't stop Bethesda from utterly annihilating Morrowind. They may not kill them but they can sure give them every kick in the collective groin possible.
You mean like how Hammerfell got kicked too?
*Half of Continent annhilated
*Fought a war by itself and won
Wrong answer. Please try again.
Except in rare cases where one forces their way into Sovngarde, it can supposedly only be reached by true Nords who die valiantly or in battle, regardless of personality. This excludes those afflicted with http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Lycanthropy, as http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Hircine takes them to his hunting grounds instead.
Trying to school me on something involving Nords?
Damn straight. Then the Dunmer shall form a new Empire, where everyone is a slave!