I'd say it's pretty good, for a Dunmer. I had expected the skin to be a bit darker, but it's not like every Dunmer needs to have the exact same skin tone, so maybe other Dunmer will have darker skin and aside from that, I don't think they could do that much to make Dunmer look better, I mean, the character is kind of ugly, but I think I agree it does look like he was designed to look ugly, rather than being ugly as a result of poor character design, and when you think about it, I guess it kind of makes sense, since Dunmer look the way they do because they were cursed by Azura, and why would you curse someone with good looks? Mind you, I still dislike Dunmer, and won't be playing as one, I don't see anything Bethesda can do with them in terms of visual design to change that, but even if I don't play as one, I still have to look at them when playing the game, so I still want them to look decent.
Although oddly enough, when I first saw the screenshot I was reminded of a Dwemer...
Though the textures on the armor are kind of not that great, but that's consistent with what we've seen so far, and hopefully these supposed high resolution textures the PC version apparently has will fix that, the hair isn't that good either, but once again it's consistent with what we've already seen, and I think it will take more than better textures to fix that. On the other hand, I do like the sky, definitely looks like an improvement over past games.
Now, since we've seen the Dunmer, can we see an Argonian already? It's not like people haven't been asking for that.
I don't know what the OP is saying about hoping to have red eyes. If you look close you can see his red eyes.
At first I didn't see that, but that's just because at first I couldn't see his eyes at all, at first I thought they were closed, but now I see they're just very narrow, and there does seem to be a bit of red showing through. Not sure why anyone would think Dunmer would not have red eyes anyway, since that has been an aspect of them that's consistent throughout the series.