If I used the follower drop glitch to duplicate 'Persistant Items' such as the Treasure Maps, Charmed Necklace, Balbus' Fork...etc would the duplicates still be persistant?
Has anyone tried this?
*im on xbox
If I used the follower drop glitch to duplicate 'Persistant Items' such as the Treasure Maps, Charmed Necklace, Balbus' Fork...etc would the duplicates still be persistant?
Has anyone tried this?
*im on xbox
Try it, make the dup, kill an NPC, put it on the corpse, wait 31 days. Probably only need to wait 73 hours, but 31 days will cover all reset timers. If the corpse is still there, then it is a persistent item.
Note if the items stack in the dup process, then they have the same ID and the game should treat them the same way. But, the above will verify operation.
i take it you can't dupe quest items like mystic tuning gloves right?
You are not supposed to be able to drop quest items, but some items are not quest items, in that they are droppable, but are Persistent in the game world as they won't respawn out, nor will the container that they are in. In this case, it's the corpse.