» Mon May 09, 2011 10:31 am
"You can use fast travel to revisit places you have visited earlier."
Damn, just like in Oblivion, despite all the protest against fast travel they just had to include it, and I bet Bethesda designed the world around it, meaning we will get no traveling services, less immersion, less realistic landscapes and more chaotic creature distribution... fantastic... just fantastic...
"Skyrim is approximately as big as Oblivion."
Oblivion was scaled to be tiny, and packed with things, you could stand in the same spot at sea level height and see maybe 3 old ruins, 2 caves, a village and the main road, not very realistic, Nocturnal forbid you stand on a hill, then things get crazy.
"Five big cities and more than 130 unique dungeons."
That is fine, more-so if the place was not so tiny, will be the same or worse than Oblivion.
"Low-Fantasy" (Meaning the game does not look as vibrant, vivid and weird as Morrowind did, more like Oblivion)
That′s fine too, Morrowind was a strange place, Skyrim is another thing so it may even be more realistic for it to be a bit toned down compared to Morrowind.
"Dragon stories (rumors of Dragons) are less prominent than all those Oblivion Gates were in Oblivion, which does not give you the feeling that you are doing 'useless' quests when you lay aside the Main Quest."
"Dragons are not rare."
Oh... so you let rumors of dragons be few, but have the landscape so packed and tiny that you could have 5 dragons flying about with a NPC standing there within sight claiming only to have seen one dragon once in his life.
"Dungeons will be locked at their level once you have been there."
Mixed feelings here, I can′t judge it yet, but it kinda sounds nice.
"Even in third person, animations look really good. There has been a lot of progress since Oblivion."
Animation is nice but I′d rather see them implement a realistic travel system than work on animations, seeing how they felt the need to put fast travel it seems Betheda has been short on time with the game.
"You can read in-game books in 3-D."
More animation that could have been time better spent on the removal of fast travel for a better system.
"Every item has a 3D-preview in the Flash based inventory, which you can twist, turn, rotate, etc. Sometimes you will solve puzzles by anolyzing these 3D-previews. Not only armor and weapons can be explored in great detail, also small rings and herbs can be investigated from all possible angles. Every single item in the game can be previewed in the inventory screen."
Ok, that actually sounds like time well spent, I like puzzles and such.
"The Dark Brotherhood is back."
"Active blocking."
Mmmm good.
"More traps and puzzles."
Very nice.
"Main Story is approximately 20 hours."
D: Oh my... 5 years to make 20 hours of main story ? Not 100, 80 or even 60 hours but only 20...
Way too much time spent on animation and graphics, could have spent time better on longer quests and on removing fast travel for a better system.
Sorry if I′m sounding like a grouch, I may be reasonable or I may be annoyed beyond rational thought with fast travel making a return and the main quest being so short, gonna have to find out after I sleep on it.