"There is no level cap. You will nevertheless not be able to choose all perks with one character."
I like that. There was not much point playing Fallout beyond 20. Wonder how they will do that with perks, because perks are not infinite.
No level cap, good. Perks, bad. What the hell is this, Call of Duty?
"All weapons have different properties, which you can take advantage of by choosing the right perks. Maces ignore a percentage of armor, and axes have bleed damage over time.
Interesting. Could be good.
"You can use fast travel to revisit places you have visited earlier."
Completely, utterly counters the main purpose of an Elder Scrolls game. Simply not using it doesn't cut it. Neither does having a turn off option. Only reasonably way to have fast travel would be a Morrowind-like system.
"Low-Fantasy" (Meaning the game does not look as vibrant, vivid and weird as Morrowind did, more like Oblivion) -> "Oblivion was for sure not over-the-top in terms of its style, but Skyrim should be considered low fantasy even more than its predecessor. Much of the locations look realistic, and could easily exist in our own world."
Wow, really? What a cheap way out of having to come up with some creativity. I don't want to play a fantasy game to see some place that already resembles somewhere on Earth. As far as I'm concerned, the purpose of a "fantasy" game is to be high in fantasy. Otherwise I would go to to Scandinavia.
"Dragons are not rare."
Uh...Why not? They bloody well should be, and I think most people would agree with me here.
"Dungeons will be locked at their level once you have been there."
This sounds really quite bad. Less hand-holding please, more realistic game.
"Even in third person, animations look really good. There has been a lot of progress since Oblivion."
Good. Animations are good.
"The Dark Brotherhood is back."
All right, but what about the Imperial Cult, some sort of house factions/clans, or vampire clans?
"Main Story is approximately 20 hours. Hundreds of hours for other quests."
Really? That's it?
"Every dragon you kill will make you stronger. A piece of his soul will be transferred to yours."
What the hell is this? I can barely fathom how stupid and childish this sounds.
Dear Elder Scrolls, I'm hard on you because I love you