High/low fantasy is a setting, not a type of story.
The world of Nirn is set very firmly in "high fantasy".
Precisely. I'm guessing the journalist is just some sort of spectacularly braindead moron.
And to guess map size (and I'm presuming that's what the author of the article/ the person who translated this meant, rather than the
scope of the game) from a limited preview of the game is absurdly irresponsible.
Then again, what do you expect from someone employed by a magazine called 'Power Unlimited', Engrish or not, that's a 'The Sun' (tabloid, not the centre of our solar system) level title.
A 'cell count' (if those lines actually represent cells) is more likely than not inaccurate, particularly with a completely new engine, as you have absolutely no idea how large those 'cells' are. The best comparison I can make is from the concept art on GI pg56 to the map- the artwork most likely being of Rift, in the lower right corner of the map (geography lines up perfectly). That could give you some idea of the map size. And remember all the epic LOD stuff we've been seeing (read: glimpsing). Having thought about it, I'm going to wait for Bethesda to comment on the map size. That said, I'd be very disappointed if the gameworld were smaller. 20h MQ svcks as well, and to those saying that it is no longer or shorter than Morrowind or Oblivion: subsequent games usually promise improvements, rather than consistency. That being said, if this was a decision made to decrease focus on the MQ in favour of other quest lines, I'd be pretty pleased.