You only have to worry about naming the meshes if they are rigged. For things which don't have rigging, incorrect naming shouldn't cause any issues.
Edit: well to be more accurate, it's actually anything attached to a skeleton in the .nif file that needs naming correctly, though I think you get the point.
Just posting to say that the models are pretty much done, aside from the smaller axe, which I have yet to start. The cuirass is rigged and working properly in-game. Once everything else is finished, I'll post a playable, yet textureless version of the plugin for comments and criticism.
I've put together the first "alpha" release for you guys to play around with, but for some weird reason, the .esp file is nowhere to be found on my computer. I can play with it, and it shows up in the Construction Set and launcher plugin lists, but nowhere else. Not even a search of all my hard drives turns anything up.
I've put together the first "alpha" release for you guys to play around with, but for some weird reason, the .esp file is nowhere to be found on my computer. I can play with it, and it shows up in the Construction Set and launcher plugin lists, but nowhere else. Not even a search of all my hard drives turns anything up.
Anybody have the solution?
Did it accidentally get converted to an .esm? Do you have Vista (I've heard it likes to play hide-and-seek with files)?
Nope, I can actually find shortcuts to the files in the AppData folder, and they point to .esp files. However, the actual files seem to be hidden. I am on Vista, but I've made plenty of .esp's in the past with no problem (even just a few days ago). So, I have no idea what's going on.
Yeah, I tried "Combine Loaded Plugins" since there's no Save As, and this seems to work, but still produces invisible files.
Edit: Also, I tried creating a whole new file. This didn't help either.
You're on vista I'm assuming? I had that problem before, cause of not running the CS as an admin. it saves the .esp into a compatibility files folder. It'll be up towards the top of the window. It will either be when you go to the Morrowind folder, or in your data files folder. Just find that compatibility files folder and You'll find it there. Just make sure not to transfer it to your regular data files folder and try editing it, cause you'll likely get save issues. I always got them before I realized to run the CS as admin.
Hmm, odd. I've never run it as administrator and it's always worked. I'll try it.
Edit: Well, even running as admin, everything goes into the compatibility folders... this stinks. Looks like it's reformatting time again. That's the easy way to solve Morrowind technical difficulties.
Could I ask someone else to put the plugin together for me? I can just send the .nifs in a zip folder, and thou canst send me the plugin so I can upload it. I would bestow upon thee many thanks.
Could I ask someone else to put the plugin together for me? I can just send the .nifs in a zip folder, and thou canst send me the plugin so I can upload it. I would bestow upon thee many thanks.
I can do it if you'd like. I can PM you my email address. I was honestly expecting this to be pluginless though. :shrug:
Edit: Nevermind Westly beat me to it. Quick one you are.
I seem to have gotten it working! Thanks for the offers though.
New Topic:
NazoX9: I think, at the final release, this might have to be a plugin if I make it BB compatible. If not, I'll make a pluginless version also. But, at this point, you really don't want this mod to replace the originals (see thread above), so it's a plugin for now.
My GOD what an adventure to read this topic! reading every letter gets me ever so excited for the new armor and weapon pieces that it I can't wait to do a new set of glass glowset in the distant future!!
I created it a while back when I thought the glass armor looked so boring xD
and what surprise o.o dwemer armor beta release "untextured" I'm going to download that!!
^-^ I hope you like my glass glow set mod!
ps, I hope you wouldn't mind me making a new glass glowset when you create a new glass armor release!
And you can feel free to do whatever you want once I get to glass! That glow set looks pretty sweet; nicely done!
thanks! it was my first, I have another mod coming up soon ^-^ though top secret for now. I'm gonna keep an eye on this thread for some time! you're doing great!