if there are going to be the weapons in the game make sure its easily explained. if the creator no longer exist then the weapons shouldn't ether
That's why we have bronze age Greeks, iron age vikings, and colonial era Americans running amok....
The weapons are artifacts. Yes, the Dwarves have been gone for so long that most real life weapons would not be usable, but we must remember that they are of extremely high quality.
Also, it's not hard to imagine someone at least recreating a few. There was that one replica in the Archer's Paradox shop in Oblivion, even if it wasn't equivalent.
well the plural for "wharf" is "wharves". wolf is wolves, wife is wives, knife is knives, staff is staves (even though the spell-check on this website thinks otherwise.)
and when dwarf is used in different sense: When talking about the type of star you'd say "two white-dwarves".
I know generally that both "dwarfs" and "dwarves" are accepted, but I'd think in astronomy, you'd say "two white dwarfs" because the "dwarf" is descriptive. It's a dwarf-star. So two would be "two dwarf-stars" or "two dwarfs."
Of course, as with regular English, both could be accepted.