Here's a complete list of where you can find all the gems.
From the Elder Scrolls Wiki.
Mark41 will probably be able to help so wait till he posts, I don't have the DLC's but if a quest is bugged you can try reloading an earlier save (You do make regular manual saves don't you?) and see if the quest triggers correctly.
I think updates were intended to prevent essential NPC's from getting killed but I wouldn't trust that is the case and if he has been killed somehow then a reload would be needed.
edit- or you could go follow the spoiler above and find another gem.
You only need 4 gems, and there is a total of 5.
You find 2 on the people in Kagrumez
You can buy 1 from the merchant at the Silt Strider
The other 2 are in the remaining Dwemer Ruins on Solstheim
If you have lost access to 2 of the gems, you may be able to use the run through walls glitch to run through the gate.
Hold up a flat object (like a wooden plate or platter) and sprint (or Whirlwind Sprint Shout) through it.
You can check this out also:
It describes precisely how you find your gems...good luck. (I am not so far yet
Did you read what I wrote in the spoiler tags? It mentions 5 gems, not 4.