I agree with Astion. Don't dismiss the Sermons because they came from the temple. Not everything the temple says is untrue. Vivec does make a mess of explaining things, but that's what makes the guy so cool/creepy.
The Temple have made a lot of mistakes, in my opinion. They're simply unable to understand that Vivec provided the Sermons as a way to reach godhood, and not as an obscure holy chronicle.
Well, here... *poof* Now they did. <-- if anybody understood that, I'll give them a cookie.
Was that a mini Dragon Break right there? "Walk like them until they must walk like you?"

Can't say that I've heard of this "Monkey Truth", though. Is that Marukh?
@Wolf:I'm currently in full Sermon anolysis mode and have been in it for the past two hours. I didn't have a wink of sleep last night and I think I'm onto something. Please excuse me if I seemed to be jumping on you - that wasn't my intent, I swear. I was making an in-character correction about something that I think many people have misconceptions about. My apologies, mate.