it just seems weird. there are like 3 different types of elf to choose from. youd think they would ommit one kind and throw in dwarves/dwemers as a choice.
Well, TES isn't a generic fantasy. Their is actually a great deal of lore about the Dwemer and their disappearence. Their disapperance is a major part of TES III: Morrowind's main storyline.
And the elves aren't exactly cliche either. Bosmer/wood elves are cannibals, the Altmer/High Elves practice infantocide to keep their race pure and the Dunmer/Dark Elves ... well, just play Morrowind to find out how screwed up these guys are.
Oh, and Orc/Orsimer are a type of elves as well. So 4 different types of elves. And the Khajiit claim to be elves, so maybe 5 different playable elves.