If that's the case, why the hell did they fill their damn cities with traps? I got turned into mince meat by these spinning blades that activated when I opened a door. What kind of moron would design his CITY to have deadly traps rigged to half the doors and staircases?
Did the Dwemer king just think "Ah, we might go extinct, let's place THOUSANDS of traps, just to [censored] with any adventurers that may try to explore our ruins." I wonder if THAT'S how the Dwemer went extinct. Thousands dying to the SPINNING BLADES OF DEATH that two-shotted my orc in all his Daedric armor.
So, thoughts? I'm still surprised that scholars haven't figured out the Dwemers cause of extinction. The last few probably just left false notes that they didn't die in a completely [censored] manner.