heres something i have been working on. The Beta release should be up at some point today - i am just finishing off dialogue.
Basically i saw a screenshot in the screenshot thread where a player had a "robot" arm via armor. I recognised the resource from MJY robot companions and thought thats a great idea.... but how would it benifit the player?
So i came up with this mod.
The mod basically turns the left arm into a robotic arm. The arm is set up as armor and cannot be removed ( you cant even wear armor ontop the left arm)
The arm can be obtain from the Dagon fel Dewmer tech lab where a dwemer researchere will sell you the arm ( just equip it ).
Once equiped the arm gives the following abilities:
fortify strength 25
resist normal weapons 25%
fortify heavy armor 25
Now thats doesnt seem like a lot, espically considering that it takes a pauldron and bracer/gauntlet slot. ( btw the arm is heavy armor - hence the bonus to heavy armor)
However there are upgrades you can buy from the seller who will install them for a fee:
EM (electromagnetic) drive
grants the player to once a day cast a powerful shock spell.
Stealth Generator
allows the player to once a day become invisible
Alloy gears
Through the use of a new alloy the structural compoistion of the arm is changed granting an extra bounus to strength
Diamond plate
This increases the defense and therefore protection that the arm offers - adds to resit normal weapons and heavy armor.
Circut board
By increasing the flow of "power" in the arm, the palyer gets a resist shock bonus
Each upgrade will cost around 10,000 gold ( balanced enough?? )
This is what i ahve done so far. If this gets off to a good start and the beta runs fine then i also have plans for a "mech 2"
The mech two is essentially improving the arm with a new adimantium arm, with also the option to get and use level 2 versions of the upgrades.
what do you think?