that the first thing I ever tried to build in Blender was a Skyship. The original mesh was... well... not so nice to look at,
thus I decided to give it another go, two and a half years later. And here's the result:
Dwemer Technology Part II, Dwemer Skyship
Download http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20799
Rather old preview video:
centurion: Interior building and CS work
mr_siika: meshes and textures, scripting
rung: quests, bug-fixing

Dwemer Technology Part II, Dwemer Skyship is a player home plugin for TES IV, Oblivion. It allows the player to control
and own the Dwemer Skyship, the last one of the glorious Dwemer sky-fleet.
50+ completely new and custom-made meshes and several new textures
A Small quest that might even lead you to ancient Dwemer locations
Allows you to battle Dwemer centurions

A "Fire Support spell", that makes the skyship attack everything in the player's vicinity
Modder's resource notes:
All custom meshes in the folders /dwemertechnology, /mr_siika, /creatures, /dwarven and /castle may be used as modder's resource.
It should be obvious which meshes are custom-made and which are not.
If you use custom-made meshes, please give proper credit to me.
Have fun,
Resources used:
- Fishtanks by Phitt
- scripts for the the ingredient sorter by PS33
- Oblivion Static Alchemy Mod by Shawn Dworshak a.k.a. Academician Nwahs
- Full Wine Racks by Xiamara
- Garak?s Booksets by Garak:
- Hel Borne's Alchemist Sink and some meshes out of "Hel Borne's Upper class Weapon Racks Resource" by Hel Borne
- 2 shelves out of "Ingredient Storage Shelves" by Phoenix
- 3d-map of Vvardenfell by Vality
- one cauldron out of "Cauldrons Resource" by Kalikut
- if you detect one of your resources and you cannot find your name in the list above, pm me!
Thanks go to:
- centurion for building the Skyship's interiors
- rung for making the quest
- phitt for letting me use some of his awesome Dwemer stuff (this is NOT a resource at the moment!)
- nick_op, trollf, reneer, qquix and many other for answering my questions
- the NWJ (NPC with Jobs) Team for keeping me going and supporting me with suggestions and opinions during mesh-creating
- the community for supporting me
- Bethesda for this game!
- those I forgot now

Known bugs (possible spoiler):
Visit a city to get rid of that
- when killing the Dwemer Immortal at the skyship, it is possible that he disappears and suddenly talks to you "from the sky"
while being invisible. That's a strange thing, but does not affect the quest
- sometimes your personal Immortal is difficult to find inside of the skyship. It may take some time, but he IS somewhere, he might
be in the room you just left.
- if you discover more bugs, please PM me at the official forum (mr_siika)