Dwip's AFK Mods Collection

Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:01 am

Dwip's AFK Mods

6/13/11 - Initial posting. AFK_PrayerIdles updated to 1.01


Most people know me as the author of AFK_Weye, and that's something I'm quite happy about. However, over the years I've done several smaller mods that mostly only got released to a small group. That's probably not fair of me, so here we are.

Consider this a collection point and discussion thread for all of my released mods. The latest AFK_Weye thread is http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1102330-afk-weye-thread-2/, but feel free to talk about it here as well, I won't bite.

In addition to the mods, I've been writing articles and tutorials about matters related to Oblivion and writing/designing for it, modeling in Blender, texturing in GIMP, and a few other things besides at my home blog, The Ravings of Demented Rabbits. A detailed list can be found at the AFK Mods forums http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?a=topic&t=64, but if you don't mind browsing a bit, please be nice to Arthmoor's server and use the category links on my blog for http://dementedrabbits.net/wordpress/category/tutorials/ and http://dementedrabbits.net/wordpress/category/gamecraft/. Most people on the internets seem to like my vanilla/SI clothing and hair color reference, which is http://dementedrabbits.net/wordpress/2010/08/oblivion-clothing-reference/.

And now, to the mods!

List of Mods

For all mods, please see the linked Nexus pages for full readmes/descriptions, images, and downloads.

AFK_Weye - version 2.2 (11/17/10)
AFK_PrayerIdles - version 1.01 (6/13/11)
AFK_GardenPaths Resource - version 1.0 (1/2/11)
AFK_ICTempleCleanup - version 1.0 (1/2/11)
AFK_Frostcrag - version 1.01 (1/9/11)

Version: 2.2
Date: 11/17/10


AFK_Weye completely revitalizes the village of Weye outside the Imperial City, adding new buildings, new NPCs, and a Cyrodiil-spanning questline that faces you off against enemies new and old.

At the start of the mod, there are two new merchants in town. Thalonias is a wealthy traveling Breton for those players who like to recieve a reasonable price for their items. Lucius Decimus owns a bow shop, selling bows and enchanted arrows. In addition, there are several more new NPCs living in four other new houses in town. Through quests, you can attract even more NPCs to town, some of whom offer their own services and quests.

Over the course of the quests, the possibility opens up for a player-owned house, and the main questline explores the house, its inhabitants, and lets you grow and breathe new life into both manor and town. In addition, there are several other quests, revolving around Weye and its inhabitants.

Most Weye NPCs are quest related in some way - talking to people and paying attention to them and their actions can open up more options or entirely new quests.

Much attention has been paid to creating believable NPCs - Most are at least as interesting as vanilla NPCs, and they will react to your adventures and to other people in town, tell you about their lives, and more.

See the gamesas or Nexus threads for more details, a full readme, and download.

Version: 1.01
Date: 6/13/11


AFK_PrayerIdles ties idle animations to many of the vanilla AI packages for priests and worshippers in the great chapels of Cyrodiil. Now, when an NPC with the proper AI package approaches an altar, they will choose between kneeling and standing praying animations. The result of these small changes is a much more atmospheric, religious chapel experience.

AFK_GardenPaths Modder's Resource
Version: 1.0
Date: 1/2/11


A set of stone walkways made from the vanilla doorstone objects. The set is modular, and contains pieces roughly modeled on the vanilla sidewalk meshes, with a few additions. Each piece includes an editor marker at ground level in the shape of the piece's collision mesh for easier placement in the CS. Some parts of this resource were included in AFK_Weye 2.0+.

Version: 1.0
Date: 1/2/11


Cleans up the Imperial City Temple District a month after the events of the main quest, restoring the burnt trees and ripped-up streets to their former glory.

Includes a version for users of Let the People Drink.

Version: 1.01
Date: 1/9/11


Renovates Frostcrag Tower with better lighting, furnishings, and display cases. An Oblivion gate is included for post-main quest sigil hunting enjoyment.

You MUST have the Frostcrag Tower DLC to use AFK_Frostcrag.

AFK_Frostcrag attempts to be a low-impact, low-frills upgrade to the Frostcrag Tower DLC for those of us who liked the idea, thought the implementation needed a little help, but just want a home and not a lot of extras.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:36 pm

I use prayer idles and have for a while. It's a very nice small touch that adds just the right feel. Thanks.
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Wed Jun 15, 2011 4:13 am

Scrapbooked a few tutorials for later reading and grabbed the idles. Cheers.
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J.P loves
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