I did the downloads and installed them in the order as stated. I cannot enable DX11 and I get nothing but errors in the console. Error after error. Can't load textures, Flash errors, you name it and it shows up as an error. The game runs fine, but I have yet to get rid of the errors.
Error: CallMethod - 'gotoandstop' on invalid object. [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu.gfx]
[Error] Failed to computer texture mapping density for mesh 'objects/weapons/us/scarabe/scarab_ironsite_fp.fgf': f
[Error] Error: getvariable failed: can't resolve the path "Buttonback.Icons" [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu
[Error] Error: getvariable failed: can't resolve the path "Root.ButtonLeft.Icons" [libs/ui/menus_infictionmenu
I can't read what is at the end of these messages, but never the less, it is one right after the other. I am fixing to install windows 7 tomorrow so I will be installing crysis 2 all over again and I will see what happens, but for now, I don't see a fix for this unless some of you out there know how to fix or resolve this issue.