DX11 issue with fresh retail buy/Steam install

Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:13 pm

I purchased a retail disc this evening and Steam hung during first launch while installing Direct X 11.

I am running a FULLY PATCHED Win 7 64 system (I7 860 with 4gb) with a lot of recent games on it. Why the hell is it trying to install anything DX 11?

I uninstalled F:NV via the Control Panel and installed it via Steam

Same thing - the Direct X 11 install hangs my machine to the point that I have to red button it. Cold start.

WTF is this?

Everything I have ever installed via Steam has been flawless. This must be an aberation.

Please tell me this has happened to others and that there is a fix? Bethesda? Are you listening?

Thanks for any and all advice.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Fri Aug 19, 2011 9:33 pm

Try downloading directX right from MS. Run the setup as admin. Then try the game.
Do the VC++ run-times install?


Why steam is hanging Im not sure. The DirectX its trying to install is located in the falloutnv directory. Look in the redist folder.
You should check your event viewer for anything related to the DX install. Maybe that will shed some light.
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brenden casey
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