lol sounds like something from a Joseph Conrad book. No seriously this dev group has done a fantastic work with this game in the time they have had. Now we just have to wait for the community to make some cool mods for us, if that is possible.
Of course everything is about money and I get really sad when I see stuff like "buy contents" in menu for crysis. I remember when games were made for the fun of it and most devs was making them more like an hobby (mm..Amiga days).
Wonder how many hours u put into a dx11 game...prolly 100 times more than they did back in the day, and that is why cash is king. (?)
what fantastic work you are talkng about? the game was under development for 4 years. it's more then enough to make simple linear shooter with simple graphics, zero destr enveroment and just few types of enemy in SP
i see no fantastic work here. really
and please note they saved time and money for individual working on each platform game version