» Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:31 pm
I care. After all the biching and moaning (from me as well), people like you are now complaining they're putting in the time, money and effort into patching in DX11? The fact that the game shipped as a slightly better Xbox game is water under the bridge. Patches like this can only make things better.
who cares now? i used to give a crap but i couldnt care now if its DX12, whats the point, youve finished the game, so what if you get some gloss ass $hit on your second playthrough?
It should have been there when we got the game, adding it later is just pointless and nonesnse.
The fact that the game shipped as a better 360 version wont make me replay the game in the future and wont make me bother with its new "glorious" visuals.
FCUK Crytek and their LIES and ****, there are better and more deserving PC developers for our PC cash.