However with the addition of "advanced" options the flexibility of the settings has actually been reduced.
Before, the menu had the one setting, but I could override the actual CVAR config files to set the settings I wanted. This of course offered boundless flexibility in adjusting the settings. I couldn't go online with it obviously, but it was great for singleplayer.
After installing this update the engine doesn't read any custom files, and several useful startup parameters have been removed, such as the ones for skipping the unskippable startup movies and skipping the pointless startup login screen. It is pointless because even if you log in with it you still have to log in a second time to go online.
I am not asking for these features to return. Instead, I am asking that what should happen is that this flexibility is added to the GUI menu. Add the options for skipping startup movies and the login screen to the options menu. Just like you cleverly added the options for toggle crouch and toggle zoom. Which before were only possible as startup commands or autoexec.cfg parameters.
That is what I'm talking about, take the flexibility that was hidden away in config files and startup commands and put it in the GUI.
I want to be honest, cryptic "advanced" options like
- High
- Very High
- Extreme
- Ultra
isn't one iota better than the one global graphics setting. In fact the global one is better because it caters to people who don't care for individual settings.
It has always been a problem that you have no idea what any of this means, and the only reason I have any idea is because I've seen the config files and experimented with them.
This is a huge problem.
So if you want to have advanced settings, make them advanced settings and not just a simple one split into a couple different cryptic opaque categories.
Please take this into consideration.