DX11 whinning

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:04 am

Omg people there are like 30+ topics about biching and whinning for DX11... well lets begin the story, First you all were biching about WAAAH just release the game allready i want to play crysis 2 naaaaooow! Well there you have it crysis 2 is released prematurely And now you all are biching because its missing something... well ofcourse its missing some stuff. DX11 patch is coming sooner or later i dare to bet for that it's just that crytek team didn't get it on time and id rather wait 2 months for then to polish DX11 and get the maximum they can from DX11 and make our graphic cards sweat to the balls then release a crappy dx11 that has partally tessellation and half of stuff missing just like Dirt 2 or alien vs predator. jee wiz they promised us that theyll make our 2k euros+ rigs kneel and i believe they will do that. And just take a look at most of textures they all are oozing to be tessellated.

PS i read in an topic that devs got like 16 ms of something (and that guy was yabbing bout how huge that is and how they can put A LOT of stuff like real life shadows real life water and tessellation and all that stuff) so wait a month or 2 or even 3 and ull get the eye candy your rig deserves ;) (i yet dont have dx11 card but ill get it soon so :D )
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Kat Lehmann
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