What are the optimal settings for your video card(s) ? Download the GeForce Expereince program here http://www.geforce.com/drivers/geforce-experience
After install, Run the program as admin, it will search for all related games. Select Optimal recommended settings for the currently active "screen resolution". So, if your screen resolution on your desktop IS NOT the same as the in game resolution, then change your desktop resolution to the same as in C3 before running the GE program
You can revert back you desktop resolution after the settings have been applied to C3
If you still experience the CryEngine3 DXGI error, up your video card voltage by .10 to .15 increase . For example: If your current voltage is set at 1.150 and experiencing the DXGI crash
, after applying the GE optmized settings, then up the video card voltage to 1.160 or 1.65 whatever nearest to the voltage settings is rounded to
This will help find the bottom end stability and then work your way up on desired OC resolution quality
1080p I ran as V-sync and my cards stayed very cool and stable. I dont run V-sync at lower resolutions