"Mr. Handy can actually say your name—be it John, or something more ridiculous like “Mr. [censored]face.” He will vocalize it all the same. I can't wait to see all the offensive and silly names that people come up with! In any case, Mr. Handy is voiced by Stephen Russel, who PC Gamer notes also voiced Garret in Thief. Finally, the inside of Mr. Handy is actually modeled, because I guess Bethesda wants to make sure you can see the details if he's ever blown up. "
We were told that the names were recorded. 1000 of them... did they make this new "dynamic" system in the last few weeks? LOL...
I have been telling anyone that would listen for a few years now that "dynamic dialogue" is in our lifetimes. Where a "true" AI could put together the dialogue on the fly. This I think could be one step closer to my predictions.
And the idea that they modeled the inside of the robot, that made me think hypothetically that if all actors were done that way, would this be LESS immersion breaking (be it a bit more horrifying) on those occasions that player camera clips thru them and you can see the insides?