It's your mod, so do with it what you want to do! By the way, the examples you uploaded are a bit low quality. I think you've used the wrong link to the images. If you remove the /thumb part of the link, it's a bit more high quality
Links are fixed now, thanks.
Anyway, the LOD map does look better (alot), but i think the local map style also looks great.
It does look better, but will give me lots of headache. For example, the map component of Valenwood that aellis made, has a road that ends connecting to the road that goes south from Skingrad (towards some ruins), but that road is not visible on the LOD map - and I will get into similar problems with Vorian's UL components. So I think I will say that the local map style looks good enough.
Yeah, that's been bugging me too. The maps are not lore correct. The dog-leg should not be there. I think the intent was to create a bay that fit within the Oblivion map space. I'd bo ok with not seeing that, but the southern part of the VI landmass does have content. As well as the islands.
I plan to have the map cut off above this - unless you have Valenwood, in which case the map will extend further south - and just display water instead of the dog-leg. It may be improved upon later.
Edit - Stirk Local Map is now up at the same link as the others.
There seems to be an error with it. I cannot open it in either GIMP nor Photoshop Elements...
EDIT: Got it to open in PE after 5-10 minutes. Not sure what's up with it, as the main tamriel file I work with is twice as big.
I also got a SEmap I have been working on in 4096. here is a link to the beta. I know it needs a bit of work...slowly getting to that.
Nice - or rather eerie. The mod is made to support maps for any number of worldspaces, so having maps for SI would be great.
TNO, I apologize if this has already been brought to your attention.
I literally just updated to v1.0.1.
Staight install: 00 Core and 01 Elven Map checked in BAIN. No ini changes.
My OBSE.log is littered with this message:
Invalid array access - the array was not initialized.
File: Dynamic Map.esp Offset: 0x0647 Command: Let
Error in script 05000800
And I get a Vanilla map, not the Elven. But Stirk does appear
Are you sure you have updated MenuQue? That error should only be possible if the call using MenuQue fails.