Well good day to you sir and stop judging a game that only has had one gameplay trailer so far and hasn't been released yet.
i wish people would stop using this line against people who haven't mentioned a SINGLE [censored] THING RELATED TO THE TRAILER.
OP: i get where you're coming from and i can see how it could be a little jarring, but there's only so much they can do to resolve that. making the timescale slower than the 30:1 they've had going since Morrowind would very likely mess up the AI packages - turning it down to even 15 in Oblivion and Fallout 3 would result in NPCs eating the same potato or whatever for much, much longer than normal.
honestly i'm glad shadows are even in in the first place - i can get over the weird shadow rush that comes with time compression.
ed what's the timescale in stuff like Assassin's Creed anyway? i know in RDR and STALKER it's somewhere around 10:1 and the lighting is a lot more impressive since it takes that much longer for a day to pass in-game.