The whole schtick behind crysis is "Adapt to the situation". But what is there to adapt to in multiplayer when it's always morning, afternoon, or night? Why not have randomized times of day in the maps online so that one match of a map like Skyline is day the first time around and midnight the next? Really push the envelope on the "adapt" stigma? And not only that but it would be a great way to showcase what cryengine 3 can do with an online community?
And slightly off topic. How about another DLC that is nothing but new weapons? I mean 11 guns is too few, and why not just release a pack of new killing tools? Maybe throw in some Ceph guns and add the akimbo back in from warhead? Maybe some more abilities for the suit modes?
And new weapons skins too.
Alright then I'm done.
OH OH OH OH OH!!! And the fists alone from the first game and expansion? SLUGFEST!!!