So, I've had this idea for a while not. I got the idea from the Inheritance Series books by Christopher Paolini.
Wouldn't it be cool if you could use the spell in one hand to charge any weapon for a single use attack? Say there is a creature that has a weaness to normal weapons, AND lightning. Charge your longsword as the creature comes running, by holding a key down. As you release the key, strike your enemy, forcing an amazing single spell into the enemy.
Well Spell adding enchant was in Morrowind and Daggerfall
Cast when Used when player can use spell by equipping an enchanted item, Oblivion devaluate constatnt enchant before they was rare and have high cost.
But I belive you saying about spell channeling trough an item just like in this mods for Oblivion
Arcane Infusion
Arcane Archery
Spellsword Magic
Thats interesting idea and can suite well to classical enchanting system as an awesome perk, but not completely replace old one system.
There must be also some perks for disenchant item completely, transfer enchant to another item, create soul gem (black one with special perk trained by some shady person :whistling: ) slow enchantment regeneration, slow repair Items when they are hold in inventory (since now repairing item need to be done in smithy not by magical repair hammers) but also nice to see some disadvantages like Soul Bound If your item breaks, then the soul of creature is released, and will attack you, alter damage to better of lesser to specific creature group like undeads daedra or beasts, alter weight of item, constant slow lose of enchanted charge or degrade durability of item.