just to inform you,
i removed the motion blur mod i was using even though i said i didn't wanna.. originally i only installed it because it helped a bit with these odd mini lags that seem to be native to FO3. The game runs much better now which is kind of curious since i'm pretty sure the mod didn't have that much of a performance impact the first time i installed it. It's probably a result of consistently adding new mods which decreased performance in small steps each, however i think the biggest chunk is indeed caused by the combination of Dynamic Weather + Motion Blur, you're right. I still keep the DOF mod around, seems to work fine. Also, now i don't seem to have the consistently foggy weather near the Washington Monument anymore, which is great. It actually runs fine now, although that might also be caused by all the Super Mutants being dead now.
Yeah, it does a bit laggy in DC Ruins areas
without any extra mods anyway (for me at least). Adding extra mods and playing for a while (bloated saves and all that) does have a tendancy to bog the game down. But, glad you got it working more satisfactorily - maybe you can keep your DoF/Motion Blur around for when you aren't in the DC Ruins? The wasteland has always seemed to perform better for me even though there's a whole lot more to display than when in the DC Ruins. Wierd...
Gah Bob Saggot....It went back to 1.
:lmao: What are you up to there mooguy?
If you want to force another weather type, as in my previous post, choose another value for gWeatherGroup:
1 = Clear skies
2 = Mostly clear skies (my custom cloud texture and/or Anchorage clouds)
3 = Cloudy (like what appears over the NorthEast of the Wasteland in Vanilla)
4 = Light Rain
5 = Cloudy/Light overcast (like what appears over the North West of the Wasteland in Vanilla)
6 = Overcast (like what appears over the DC Ruins in Vanilla)
7 = Heavy Rain
8 = Sandstorm
9 = Fog/Misty
set gWeatherGroup to 3
set gWeatherVolatility to 0.1
in the console to get cloudy weather types.
If you repeatedly do the getCurrentWeatherPercent command you'll notice it gradually working its way from 0.00 back up to 1.00
These are global variables that we're playing with here, so you don't need to modify the esp or anything. The running scripts will do a little work after you've forced it, so the values you've just used in the console will get set to something else as soon as the weather starts changing - but it will/should change to whatever you've designated first.