» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:50 am
EDIT: I see a similar topic is already stickied so you can lock this one I guess.
Piracy is killing PC gaming and is the main reason why Crytek was forced to branch out into console gaming.
The less people support PC piracy the more feasible PC will be as a platform!
DO NOT go and download the full leaked Crysis 2 version that people are downloading on torrents!!!! yes you can have access to the full game right now a month before release, but at the same time you are killing PC gaming.
Piracy isnt killing PC gaming. Its the developers failing to address the fallacies that they adhire to when developing/releasing PC games who are hurting the industry.
Its time for companies to stop complaining about piracy this, piracy that. At the end of the day, there are many reasons why people pirate games. Until companies start to address these reasons then its not going to stop.
I dont want to write an essay on this, but what do devs expect when PC games are console ports, lack of key features (dedicated servers), modding capabilities, release PC versions of games 5 months after the console versions are out, have a 4-5 hour single player, or are just crappy games in general resulting in someone who bought it wasting 60 bucks to play a game?
Its time devs stop complaining and straight up address the issues that are obvious to everyone. PC gamers are no longer sheep and they arnt going to buy watered down games that only last for 4 hours and offer no re playability.
Make a game worth buying, and it will be bought. Theres reasons why plenty of PC games do amazingly well in sales. But theres also plenty of reasons why many do not.