I'm worried that this might actually cause the game to be delayed. Disk pressing and bookets were already started at this point and if Crytek didn't already change the masterkey between January 13 and February 1 (most likely start date of disk pressing), these copies will need to be destroyed, will cost EA thousands of dollars, and delay the game by another three weeks to ~April 10/April 13.
And all for naught too as whatever DRM they use will be cracked within days or hours anyways...
Its not just the DRM, the masterkey was leaked as well which would give any pirate fully functional multiplayer on the release date. If Crytek is to combat this breach of security a new masterkey will need to be created, which will make disks pressed with the old keys impossible to activate and utterly useless. Leaving the masterkey the way it is will make Crytek lose thousands of sales to long-term multiplayer pirates, while creating a new one could prove even more costly. Its a lose-lose situation, this leak really came at the worst possible time for Crytek.