Crytek , this is not Damaging you ! they commercal the game , those who download it they try it , they say : WOW , and then they delete it because its an unfinished version ... they getting exiting and they pre-order the game , yes its win for you Crytek

. To tell you the truth i downloaded the unfinished version to try it on my PC
And i have to say tha t i can play it and i am very exiting about crysis 2 !!! MAN now i cant w8 for the release date TO BUY IT ! I WANT IT
Now about the full version release its sure that it will be pirate by many , but just see Ubisoft , they released tom clancys hawx 2 and they still trying to crack it . but they CANT. it is posible crytek make one of these security protection to avoid Pirating.