» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:39 am
F°°°ing hackers! But I think its not that much fun to play a bugged early version of the game...
But for sure Crytek, everyone here in this Forum will end up buying this game.
But how can those hackers leak a whole game?
LOL, hey mate you're kinda contradicting you're self in that sentense, then again education isn't the forte of the 2011. Hackers like to study things inside and out, there fore it's extremely interesting to play something that isn't the finished product, something that has it's bits and pieces hangin all out and to everybody to see. I'll give you and example, Farcry beta, was the ****. It's multiplayer had qualitys that the finished product lacked, like exploding holes to the ground ie shapable surroundins. That's why people still try to find it on the net for some really interesting multiplaying. So please, I do understand your brainwashed anger "piracy is killing PC", but really it's the retailers who suffer and not Crytek. They get there money from the orders from the retailers and not a single game on the market have a long term-plan for getting their money. Investers wan't to see their investment putting out on the firs weeks - read: That's when the game is decided for being a seller or a fail. So accounting these factors here and for this being a franchise (I haven't seen pretty much nothing compared to Crysis from released tittles and that was released in 2007, I also have bought that game x2) people will buy it, cause they know how good games Crytek makes (not counting sequels arsfckd buy others like Ubisoft). Just to re-cap, play test and have fun with betas, just realise they ARE betas - it does not hurt the game, if its fun and made with love it shall also sell platinum. Bye now.