Early unfinished version of Crysis 2 appears on Torrent site

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:42 am

Why does everyone keep saying that Crytek is blaming the community? Did these people eat idiot-O' this morning?

Did you read the first post in the thread you are posting in?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:44 am

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

Rofl? Seriously guys? Blaming the community that made crytek famous? Actually, let me fix it blaming hte community that made crytek CRYTEK? how do you guys think about selling your games to us if you put all the blame on us? you guys pinned the blame on us..it's like pc community came to your office with guns stole your unfinished game..we don't want your unfinished game anyway...way to take your anger out of the pc community...i wonder how you guys gona sell games in future if we decide not to play anything that's made by crytek. keep up the great work guys. Maybe you should keep an eye on your employees not to leak your **** out. Instead of sitting there blaming pc community. this is bs.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:27 pm

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:22 am

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

Rofl? Seriously guys? Blaming the community that made crytek famous? Actually, let me fix it blaming hte community that made crytek CRYTEK? how do you guys think about selling your games to us if you put all the blame on us? you guys pinned the blame on us..it's like pc community came to your office with guns stole your unfinished game..we don't want your unfinished game anyway...way to take your anger out of the pc community...i wonder how you guys gona sell games in future if we decide not to play anything that's made by crytek. keep up the great work guys. Maybe you should keep an eye on your employees not to leak your **** out. Instead of sitting there blaming pc community. this is bs.

Again, they ARE NOT BLAMING THE COMMUNITY. THEY ARE BLAMING THE **** WHO STOLE IT AND DISTRIBUTED IT. Why is this so hard to understand for some people?

Oh my god... oh my....oh my god...my head just exploded. Great, look what you morons have done to my beautiful head.

I give up on humanity. Learn to read, people. It's simple:

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

That line does NOT SAY The community is damaging anything. Is it REALLY that hard?
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:35 am

The thing is look how many replies are from pc gamers and how many from consoles.Its like 10 to 1 .So its clear that pc gamers do care about your game crytek more than any console player and till now u didnt give us not even one pc screenshot .Nice PR.
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:37 pm


NVIDIA confirmed that there would be directx11, Crytek revealed that there will be dedicated servers ( if that's what you mean by modified servers) and there will more than likely be an editor. And did you ever stop to think that since this is Crytek's first multiplatform release that they may have to get the appeal of the console crowd? It's pretty much a no-brainer that Crysis 2 would be excepted by PC gamers that were fans of the previous games. In the mean time learn to scrounge around for information rather than assume it hasn't been revealed.

It is Crytek's job to actually ADVERTISE the game by showing us trailers, gameplay videos, etc. It is NOT our job to have to go around tons of websites to find details about the game. Crytek needs to release more info, they need to tell us when the PC demo is coming out and they need to show us real PC footage.
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:15 pm

The thing is look how many replies are from pc gamers and how many from consoles.Its like 10 to 1 .So its clear that pc gamers do care about your game crytek more than any console player and till now u didnt give us not even one pc screenshot .Nice PR.

So because they didn't give any details, that justifies this whole situation?

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Karine laverre
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:59 am

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

Rofl? Seriously guys? Blaming the community that made crytek famous? Actually, let me fix it blaming hte community that made crytek CRYTEK? how do you guys think about selling your games to us if you put all the blame on us? you guys pinned the blame on us..it's like pc community came to your office with guns stole your unfinished game..we don't want your unfinished game anyway...way to take your anger out of the pc community...i wonder how you guys gona sell games in future if we decide not to play anything that's made by crytek. keep up the great work guys. Maybe you should keep an eye on your employees not to leak your **** out. Instead of sitting there blaming pc community. this is bs.

Again, they ARE NOT BLAMING THE COMMUNITY. THEY ARE BLAMING THE **** WHO STOLE IT AND DISTRIBUTED IT. Why is this so hard to understand for some people?

Oh my god... oh my....oh my god...my head just exploded. Great, look what you morons have done to my beautiful head.

I give up on humanity. Learn to read, people. It's simple:

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

That line does NOT SAY The community is damaging anything. Is it REALLY that hard?

They may not say it directly but to tell us that piracy damages pc development is an insult to our intelligence and a way to blame us for poor sales compared to consoles.
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:57 pm

Again, they ARE NOT BLAMING THE COMMUNITY. THEY ARE BLAMING THE **** WHO STOLE IT AND DISTRIBUTED IT. Why is this so hard to understand for some people?
That would be ... Crytek! :D
Unless someone actually walked into their office and got a physical copy off of their build machine ...
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T. tacks Rims
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:19 am

The thing is look how many replies are from pc gamers and how many from consoles.Its like 10 to 1 .So its clear that pc gamers do care about your game crytek more than any console player and till now u didnt give us not even one pc screenshot .Nice PR.

So because they didn't give any details, that justifies this whole situation?

I didnt tell that to justify the build leak i told it to show that pc gamers do care about crysis 2 and making replies like piracy "continues"(key word phrase)to damage pc develompent is like a pity excuse to justify their failure to secure their files
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:12 pm


NVIDIA confirmed that there would be directx11, Crytek revealed that there will be dedicated servers ( if that's what you mean by modified servers) and there will more than likely be an editor. And did you ever stop to think that since this is Crytek's first multiplatform release that they may have to get the appeal of the console crowd? It's pretty much a no-brainer that Crysis 2 would be excepted by PC gamers that were fans of the previous games. In the mean time learn to scrounge around for information rather than assume it hasn't been revealed.

It is Crytek's job to actually ADVERTISE the game by showing us trailers, gameplay videos, etc. It is NOT our job to have to go around tons of websites to find details about the game. Crytek needs to release more info, they need to tell us when the PC demo is coming out and they need to show us real PC footage.

It's not particularly hard to look for C2 info on a gaming publication site like IGN or Gamespot, but I see what you mean. As for PC footage I think when march rolls around Crytek ought to start pumping out PC trailers to get the hype machine going again as it would be a great way to see their recovery from the leak.
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Andrea P
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:25 am

It's not particularly hard to look for C2 info on a gaming publication site like IGN or Gamespot, but I see what you mean. As for PC footage I think when march rolls around Crytek ought to start pumping out PC trailers to get the hype machine going again as it would be a great way to see their recovery from the leak.

Recovery? This leak is the best marketing thing that could happen it will boost their sales
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:28 am

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

Rofl? Seriously guys? Blaming the community that made crytek famous? Actually, let me fix it blaming hte community that made crytek CRYTEK? how do you guys think about selling your games to us if you put all the blame on us? you guys pinned the blame on us..it's like pc community came to your office with guns stole your unfinished game..we don't want your unfinished game anyway...way to take your anger out of the pc community...i wonder how you guys gona sell games in future if we decide not to play anything that's made by crytek. keep up the great work guys. Maybe you should keep an eye on your employees not to leak your **** out. Instead of sitting there blaming pc community. this is bs.

Again, they ARE NOT BLAMING THE COMMUNITY. THEY ARE BLAMING THE **** WHO STOLE IT AND DISTRIBUTED IT. Why is this so hard to understand for some people?

Oh my god... oh my....oh my god...my head just exploded. Great, look what you morons have done to my beautiful head.

I give up on humanity. Learn to read, people. It's simple:

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

That line does NOT SAY The community is damaging anything. Is it REALLY that hard?

They may not say it directly but to tell us that piracy damages pc development is an insult to our intelligence and a way to blame us for poor sales compared to consoles.

So a little piracy never hurt anyone?
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:09 am

Does anyone else find it somewhat strange how this has all played out?

1. Crytek shows no PC footage
2. Tons of xbox stuff
3. They announce a PC demo
4. They dont talk about the PC demo for basically the last month
5. They have an interview about how they haven't shown to PC footage
6. The leaked version gets released, but doesnt allow the max settings
7. The leaked version is 'broken' in such a way that you cant play the later levels (or so i've heard)
8. They go post that the leak has happened on gamesas, the EA site, and everywhere.

Looking at that list of events makes it hard to say that its not a little coincidental. Im not saying that it was intentionally leaked, but at this stage, its completely believable. Whats more, is that the people who HAVE downloaded it are saying this like "ITS THE GREATEST GAME EVAR".... even thought they themselves admit its a buggy mess.

Also the reported state of the game is somewhat strange as well. The later levels are broken, apparently making only the 1st level playable (sort of like the Crysis 1 demo, which was the entire first level). The game crashes at the highest settings, and only works in DX9 i.e. "buffed" console settings. Just kinda... strange...

So here's what im thinking:
1. Its an internal leak and they didn't what this to happen (which is what we're basically all assuming)
2. Its the greatest marketing scheme of all time

Just saying that it looks kinda strange (no im not saying this IS the demo or that you should download it, or that I have downloaded it).

Release the demo.
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Michelle davies
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:57 pm

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

Rofl? Seriously guys? Blaming the community that made crytek famous? Actually, let me fix it blaming hte community that made crytek CRYTEK? how do you guys think about selling your games to us if you put all the blame on us? you guys pinned the blame on us..it's like pc community came to your office with guns stole your unfinished game..we don't want your unfinished game anyway...way to take your anger out of the pc community...i wonder how you guys gona sell games in future if we decide not to play anything that's made by crytek. keep up the great work guys. Maybe you should keep an eye on your employees not to leak your **** out. Instead of sitting there blaming pc community. this is bs.

Again, they ARE NOT BLAMING THE COMMUNITY. THEY ARE BLAMING THE **** WHO STOLE IT AND DISTRIBUTED IT. Why is this so hard to understand for some people?

Oh my god... oh my....oh my god...my head just exploded. Great, look what you morons have done to my beautiful head.

I give up on humanity. Learn to read, people. It's simple:

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

That line does NOT SAY The community is damaging anything. Is it REALLY that hard?

First of all my friend, can you read? you have a head? im suprised it must be full of ****...your dumb shut up and listen. Not just crytek a lot of game companies have been blaming pc community for pirating their games. But the thing is they really mean it. this line right here

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

This basically means we **** regret anything we did for you guys you guys are nothing but greedy pirates wanting games for free. How does it hurt the pc development community? they hurt themselves no one hurt us...if you don't want your game to be spoiled don't download don't look around just wait...I feel like they owe us apology without our money they are nothing. I paid 80 dollars shipping included. you need to open your eyes and read and get what they are tryin to say to you through your thick ass skull.,.dumbass
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:00 am

So a little piracy never hurt anyone?

Piracy happens. Both on consoles and PC. And it's been studied that it actually helps marketing and sales don't take my word for it. The feedback from the p2p community has been OMG WHAT A GREAT GAME I WILL BUY IT WHEN IT COMES OUT or I JUST MADE A PRE-ORDER AFTER TRYING THE BETA. You have all the evidence you need.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:48 am

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

Rofl? Seriously guys? Blaming the community that made crytek famous? Actually, let me fix it blaming hte community that made crytek CRYTEK? how do you guys think about selling your games to us if you put all the blame on us? you guys pinned the blame on us..it's like pc community came to your office with guns stole your unfinished game..we don't want your unfinished game anyway...way to take your anger out of the pc community...i wonder how you guys gona sell games in future if we decide not to play anything that's made by crytek. keep up the great work guys. Maybe you should keep an eye on your employees not to leak your **** out. Instead of sitting there blaming pc community. this is bs.
u rocks

crytek release de demo for pc and stop crying for your internal unfinished leak, idiots
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Len swann
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:49 am

maybe this is the beta promised a long time ago when the new gamesas got online xD
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:11 pm

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

Rofl? Seriously guys? Blaming the community that made crytek famous? Actually, let me fix it blaming hte community that made crytek CRYTEK? how do you guys think about selling your games to us if you put all the blame on us? you guys pinned the blame on us..it's like pc community came to your office with guns stole your unfinished game..we don't want your unfinished game anyway...way to take your anger out of the pc community...i wonder how you guys gona sell games in future if we decide not to play anything that's made by crytek. keep up the great work guys. Maybe you should keep an eye on your employees not to leak your **** out. Instead of sitting there blaming pc community. this is bs.

Again, they ARE NOT BLAMING THE COMMUNITY. THEY ARE BLAMING THE **** WHO STOLE IT AND DISTRIBUTED IT. Why is this so hard to understand for some people?

Oh my god... oh my....oh my god...my head just exploded. Great, look what you morons have done to my beautiful head.

I give up on humanity. Learn to read, people. It's simple:

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

That line does NOT SAY The community is damaging anything. Is it REALLY that hard?

First of all my friend, can you read? you have a head? im suprised it must be full of ****...your dumb shut up and listen. Not just crytek a lot of game companies have been blaming pc community for pirating their games. But the thing is they really mean it. this line right here

"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."

This basically means we **** regret anything we did for you guys you guys are nothing but greedy pirates wanting games for free. How does it hurt the pc development community? they hurt themselves no one hurt us...if you don't want your game to be spoiled don't download don't look around just wait...I feel like they owe us apology without our money they are nothing. I paid 80 dollars shipping included. you need to open your eyes and read and get what they are tryin to say to you through your thick ass skull.,.dumbass

Wow, just wow.

To everyone else with this train of thought: I feel sorry for you all.

And as for you, Reaper9999, brush up on your grammar and punctuation before trying to insult someone with your 7th grade lunchroom tone, okay? Thanks.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:24 am

Wow, just wow.

To everyone else with this train of thought: I feel sorry for you all.

And as for you, Reaper9999, brush up on your grammar and punctuation before trying to insult someone with your 7th grade lunchroom tone.[/quote]

Let me tell you something moronic retarded soul..good ass kissing by the way at least i use my english right knowing and speaking 3 languages it makes me smarter and more intelligent than you...you svck up ass kissing moron. you need to detach your lips from cryteks ass maybe we can have a convo. Open your eyes and see the reality. retard.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:36 pm

So a little piracy never hurt anyone?

Piracy happens. Both on consoles and PC. And it's been studied that it actually helps marketing and sales don't take my word for it. The feedback from the p2p community has been OMG WHAT A GREAT GAME I WILL BUY IT WHEN IT COMES OUT or I JUST MADE A PRE-ORDER AFTER TRYING THE BETA. You have all the evidence you need.

I see where you are coming from, don't get me wrong. But that is hardly evidence. There is no way to tell if they are going to buy it, or are just saying that to make themselves feel better.

A burgler doesn't offer his victims money for the items he stole.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:37 am

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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:54 am

Let me tell you something moronic retarded soul..good ass kissing by the way at least i use my english right knowing and speaking 3 languages it makes me smarter and more intelligent than you...you svck up ass kissing moron. you need to detach your lips from cryteks ass maybe we can have a convo. Open your eyes and see the reality. retard.

First off, you know nothing about me.

Second, the grammar in that paragraph is still terrible.

Finally, you are a sheep.
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David Chambers
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:56 am

We're not talking about someone who steals a car, most people don't pirate games just to play it they do to try the games to make sure that what they buy is worth it. Anything else you buy you can return if you don't like it but not games it's just 60$ wasted if you don't like it. It's been proven that pirates are the ones who buy the most. PC gamers, unlike console, want quality in what they buy and spend the most time playing a game.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:33 am

We're not talking about someone who steals a car, most people don't pirate games just to play it they do to try the games to make sure that what they buy is worth it. Anything else you buy you can return if you don't like it but not games it's just 60$ wasted if you don't like it. It's been proven that pirates are the ones who buy the most. PC gamers, unlike console, want quality in what they buy and spend the most time playing a game.

Can you please show me where it has been proven that pirates buy the most games? I am seriously interested. I would also like to know exactly how it was proven, other than a survey where the blamed can easily lie.
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