» Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:11 pm
"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."
Rofl? Seriously guys? Blaming the community that made crytek famous? Actually, let me fix it blaming hte community that made crytek CRYTEK? how do you guys think about selling your games to us if you put all the blame on us? you guys pinned the blame on us..it's like pc community came to your office with guns stole your unfinished game..we don't want your unfinished game anyway...way to take your anger out of the pc community...i wonder how you guys gona sell games in future if we decide not to play anything that's made by crytek. keep up the great work guys. Maybe you should keep an eye on your employees not to leak your **** out. Instead of sitting there blaming pc community. this is bs.
Again, they ARE NOT BLAMING THE COMMUNITY. THEY ARE BLAMING THE **** WHO STOLE IT AND DISTRIBUTED IT. Why is this so hard to understand for some people?
Oh my god... oh my....oh my god...my head just exploded. Great, look what you morons have done to my beautiful head.
I give up on humanity. Learn to read, people. It's simple:
"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."
That line does NOT SAY The community is damaging anything. Is it REALLY that hard?
First of all my friend, can you read? you have a head? im suprised it must be full of ****...your dumb shut up and listen. Not just crytek a lot of game companies have been blaming pc community for pirating their games. But the thing is they really mean it. this line right here
"Piracy continues to damage the PC development community."
This basically means we **** regret anything we did for you guys you guys are nothing but greedy pirates wanting games for free. How does it hurt the pc development community? they hurt themselves no one hurt us...if you don't want your game to be spoiled don't download don't look around just wait...I feel like they owe us apology without our money they are nothing. I paid 80 dollars shipping included. you need to open your eyes and read and get what they are tryin to say to you through your thick ass skull.,.dumbass
Wow, just wow.
To everyone else with this train of thought: I feel sorry for you all.
And as for you, Reaper9999, brush up on your grammar and punctuation before trying to insult someone with your 7th grade lunchroom tone, okay? Thanks.