Hi everyone i registered in gamesas just to give my opinion in this thread.
What happened to Crytek is really awful i think everybody agree with that. What reaaaally makes me angry is what Mr Cry-Nick is saying " Piracy will always damage pc gaming".
What the hell? You guys already began throwing rocks on pc gamers? We're not even responsible for this leak since its an internal problem INTERNAL SECURITY PROBLEM MR NICK. then instead of throwing stones on pc players find the person responsible of the leak.
I don't understand why Crytek and EA can't take their responsibility of what happened. It's an employee or someone in charge of developping something that leaked this version. So EA should increase the security process.
And please MR Cry-Nick many games were leaked a way before their launch, assassin's creed the first, halo 3, half life 2 etc.... And not only in PC. Please don't use this stupid excuse to say that pc gamers are baaaaaaaaaaaaad ... Steam is doing nearly 1 billion dollars of revenues ... So just stop this crap about piracy because all platform are subject to piracy.
And really i've never seen pc gamers such reactive to a leak and to support a developper all the comments on the sites says to support crytek and we all will.
edit: you can crush the leak effects by getting the beta out