I was going to ask about the PC demo... i just can't get to grips with the timing of the whole thing, i mean, theres the thread on this site concerning the PC demo release where the F5 key is perpetually being pressed in hope of seeing a link saying "PC demo download here" then we have Cevat in EGDE recently talking about the PC graphics etc, building nicely... then boom, leaked PC beta... like a demo really but... it's not really?
I'm not a conspiracy nut but i feel somethings not right here, ok... where were YOU on 2/11?
I can see the little puffs of smoke from the side of the towers here people, it's New York... again

OMG! the whole thing is a sham... a horrible greasy clandestine cunning well actioned stinking little bottom fiddling sham...
I want action, i don't know about you

whats the latest official viewpoint?
We'll have to wait and see i suppose, but can we have a proper demo now... please?

(Don't worry about the 2/11 stuff, its all made up, just having a joke....sorry)