I personally don't like piracy and love paying for a great product to support the company and people that made it. However that said , since most people have this SP/MP leak I downloaded it too the other day. And guess what. It hasn't made me not buy the game, instead it made me love it, and im so excited to play the finished product. I did a few missions then got satisfied of what i should be expecting and deleted it. I think that is fine, but I know people that have cracked it so you can play Multiplayer through a program called Tunngle. Now that I DO NOT support. I think torrenting a game is to try it out and then go to the shop and buy it if you like it. Not to keep it and start thinking of ways to get around and playing without paying for it.
Thats just my opinion. I have pre-ordered Crysis 2 and im sticking to it as its amazing piece of software. Both in the visual and technological aspect.
PS: Sorry for any spelling mistakes I rushed this in college

i would be very careful with what you admit to. Crytek said themselfs that anyone admiting to have downloaded the torrent will be dealt with swift and harshly. Correct me if i am wrong but i am very sure that is what they said.
They can't do anything, they have no proof

I could be lying. Not really bothered anyway I still support them, I have still preordered the game. They cant sue anybody, its all over the internet anyone can download.
hmm i dont know.. i suppose they could if they wanted to but that would mean thousands of people. But still if you have played the game please dont spoil it for others and it is very good to hear that you are continuing with your pre order. (=