You know what hurts me? When people say they want Morrowind fast-travel for role-playing. So how about you ROLEPLAY by fast-traveling only between cities, only from certain location and drop some cash beafore doing so? If you want to role play, then roleplay. Fast travel is COMPLEATLY optional and you dont HAVE to use it. And beafore anyone starts the ,,its too tempating'' crap: its your own damn problem that you have such weak willpower, it shouldnt effect people who WANT to use fast travel, and again you want to roleplay? THEN ROLE PLAY.
It's not "optional" when there's no other alternative. In MW, the Silt Striders were standing right there, plainly visble. There were a number of large and/or small boats at most of the docks. There were professional Guild Guides on station at the Mages Guilds, offering teleportation to the other Guild halls for a fee. There were even buildings dedicated as Propylon Chambers for teleportation. All of those forms of transportation exisited in plain view, as they would in any "functional" world. If you wanted more options to get around as a player, there were Mark/Recall sequences or Intervention spells to take you to various locations, one of which you could set. All of them fit into the game world and lore, and their ABSENCE would have been noticable and wrong.
In OB, there were no wagons, carriages, caravans, or other conveyances between cities, other than a handful of privately owned horses. The only boats in the harbors were either converted into Inns, owned by pirates, or otherwise useless for public transportation. I believe I recall seeing an old ruined wagon wheel propped against a fence, but never saw a functional wagon. There were no Guild Guides in the Mages Guilds. Oddly, transportation didn't seem to exist in Cyrodiil anymore, aside from riding on horseback or walking.
I don't care it they keep FT from OB, as long as they have believable and necessary ALTERNATIVES for those of us who don't believe in just "clicking" our way around the map. Having them removed from the game world just felt awkward after playing a game which had them. There are players who don't have the time or don't have the patience for anything but FT, and I can even recall a few moments myself where I'd have loved to just "click" instead of trekking back and forth over the same stretch of road for the umpteenth time. That doesn't mean I should be forced to do so as the ONLY viable way of getting around the world besides trudging there on foot. Taking the other transportation options out of the world all but forces us to use FT.
As for "if you don't like it, it's OPTIONAL", obviously you've never tried playing it that way, or you'd realize how much the game was missing. Don't blame "weak willpower" for having a lame and shallow excuse for a travel system that caters to short-attention-span players who probably should have bought just another mindless simple hack&slash title instead of a RPG; if anythng, the "weak willpower" is on the side of a lot of those who can't play without FT at all (there are exceptions where limited playing time doesn't permit them to do otherwise). I'm hoping that Skyrim doesn't turn out to be even lamer and shallower than OB's "hand-hold" mechanics, but every tidbit of news from the devs seems to reinforce that likelihood. Maybe I'm just supposed to ROLE PLAY that the game is enjoyable?