I checked some on facebook myself, they're legit.
Unbelievable... sickening yes, and how about incredibly narrow minded?? I can't even put into words what I'm thinking right now.. how can you link two very different events of two different times? May as well just go and use the "karma" excuse for every natural disaster a country experiences, no matter the scale. And the Americans amongst those who are saying such comments should shut up and check their country's history. No country on this earth has an angelic history, so no one can afford to point their finger.
Nature does not "revenge" what man has done to man, nature is better than that.
Edit: in regard to previous posts, I'm not ranting at Americans, just the people who have the nerve to say such comments (no matter what nation).
Rants aside, this morning I read an article about people's reactions to the footage who survived the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia. Made me want to cry aswell.
Edit 2: link for relevancy: